Sergio A. Jurado™
But you CAN call me SERG
I believe we can be extraordinary together rather than ordinary apart. So don't give up on me, we don't want to fail this time...
I'm goofy, silly and full of joy to share as i go. How i see myself, Really just as an ordinary guy trying to create someone in this inordinate world. I believe that there's no you to look for in life, this world creates you as you learn and grow. I dont take life to seriously nor anyone for that matter. I don't claim to be rich, famous, nor powerful like many people! It's not really me. I don't claim to be talked about, you can be in charged of that. My cellphone is not a I-phone, I don't drive the fanciest cars nor a I lead an extravagant lifestyle. I definitely don't follow the crowd, the only things I follow are my instincts and my heart! Funny how people follow me for that!!!. I don't strive to be the center of attention nor I seek you approval, being someone is not in my agenda but creating someone it's my dilemma! What I do claim is that I'm a mature 24 year old so I won't smile at you today and talk about you the next day. why? because I'm not rude nor fake. I'm respectful, sincere and my intentions are pure. I also have insecurities and lots! It's part of a human's Life... I've suffer and experience much more then other people can handle in a lifetime. I've been humiliated and crushed! but I wont give up! I see it as it was brought upon me because I can handle it and I just wait to get compensated!
I'm a simple guy living a complex life
-Nuff Said-!